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     Bentonite is an absorbent aluminum phyllosilicate, impure clay consisting mostly of montmorillonite. Bentonite usually forms from the weathering of volcanic ash, most often in the presence of water. There are different types of bentonites that are each named after the respective dominant element, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and aluminum.
     ABI handles sodium bentonite. Sodium bentonite expands when wet, absorbing as much as several times its dry mass in water. It also has excellent colloidal properties. The main uses of sodium bentonite are for fresh water drilling mud (oil/gas, water well and horizontal directional drilling), binder (e.g. foundry-sand bond, iron ore pelletizer), absorbent (pet litter), groundwater barrier (pond lining and gas collection) and industrial applications (viscosity builder and suspension agent).


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  • STEP 1
    • Determine your packaging needs for the product and type of packaging you need for your project.
  • STEP 2
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  • STEP 3
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  • Our History

    American Bentonite International, Inc (ABI) was incorporated in Illinois in 1983 to market bentonite products. Over the years, ABI has developed markets worldwide for bentonite and other natural minerals by utilizing its strong technical expertise in the mineral field and focusing on the needs of the customer. As ABI has grown, it has expanded its services to provide logistics management to its customers, including transportation, inventory management and warehousing of products.

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